Cocktail MAKE


The Violetter - Whiskey muse

We’ve all heard or perhaps read the Scarlet Letter. This tale set in Boston tells the story of the Hester Prynne having to wear the letter “A” on her dress and scorned by the townspeople for committing adultery. Now, one of the underlying themes that I was fascinated by in this book is that blend of realism and ‘dreaminess’. Inspired by this combination, I wanted to find a blend of flavours that would provide a “real” drink but with a bit of dreaminess and thus The Violetter (or Violet Letter) was created. Simple, strong, sweet and easy to make, this is a perfect summer sipper for you and your friends.


1.5 oz Bourbon
1.0 oz Creme de Violet
0.5 oz Homemade Lemon Liqueur*
0.5 oz Lemon Juice
Lemon peel garnish


In a cocktail shaker add the ingredients over ice. Shake and strain into a coupe or liqueur glass. Garnish with lemon peel and serve. Also, if you’re so inclined, feel free to serve over ice.


*I will be posting the recipes for the homemade liqueurs soon. Stay tuned!

The Violetter - Whiskey muse
The Violetter - Whiskey muse
The Violetter - Whiskey muse

reece signature

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