MUSE Muse of the Month

Muse of the Month: BETH HAVERS

Welcome to our Muse of the Month series! This series is celebrating women in the industry who are changing the conversation around whisk(e)y. From Master Distillers to Podcasters to Brand Ambassadors stay tuned as we feature the best and brightest females.

For the month of August, we are featuring former Brand Ambassador and Entrepreneur, Beth Havers.

Beth Havers, the woman behind Whisky Beth and Aunt Beth Bakes, is a former Ambassador turned entrepreneur with a passion for educating on whisk(e)y. You may know her as the former National Brand Ambassador for Glenfiddich in Canada or perhaps the Lead Educator with Diageo for Ketel One Vodka.

I had a chance to sit down with Beth and talk to her about her new baked-good business and tips for getting into the whisky industry.

Quick Fire Questions

Early Bird or Night Owl: A bit of both, depends on the day!
Pro-Peat or Anti-Peat: Very much pro!
The Best Whisk(e)y + Snack Combination/Pairing: Whisky and cheese or chocolate!
Favourite Cocktail: Whisk(e)y Highball!
Worst shooter you’ve ever had: Brain hemorrhage
Never Have I Ever: Had a Caesar
Drinking Song of Choice:  These days, Dancing on my Own, by Robyn
What mantra do you live by/drink by:  Do what you want to do, it’s your world.

1) Describe yourself in 10 words or less.

Whisky lover with a flair for baking and creating.

2) Tell us about your first (memorable) experience with whisk(e)y?

I fell in love with whisky when I moved to Scotland after university.  I had never tried whisky and had no idea what I was in for.  My first dram was at my local pub, The Haymarket across from Haymarket station.  A bit shocked at the strength at first, I grew to love this magical spirit.  I moved back to Canada few years later and immediately started applying for jobs in the spirits industry.  I was fortunate enough to find an amazing job with Diageo.  Whisky has opened so many doors, created so many memories and fabricated so many friendships.  I am so fortunate to be included in this wonderful industry and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

3) What personal rules do you abide by that have lead you to success?

I believe having an open mind and an open heart is key to any success.  I try to approach any challenge with grace (not physical grace, we all know I’m a total klutz) and accept wins and failures as learning opportunities.

4) What has been your biggest career highlight to date?

I think working with Brian Kinsman, one of my biggest mentors on the creation of Winter Storm.  I will forever be proud of that project and am so thankful he saw my vision and allowed me to go with it.

5) In your opinion, what makes the perfect whisk(e)y?

Haha, oh my, perfect.  I think they’re all perfect in their own way.  Whether complicated or simple I think we can find something special in every dram.  These days I’m loving Irish Whiskies, so soft and approachable.  Winter months, I love rich port and sherried finished whiskies.  I think perfect really depends on my mood.

6) What’s the latest trend you’re excited about the industry at the moment?

I am really excited to see the current climate here in Canada.  Canadian whisky is on fire, we’re seeing so much innovation and people are really starting to take notice.  I’ve been loving the craft movement as well.  I am so in love with this country and am so happy to see such amazing things happening with our spirits industry.

7) What is your advice for someone who is just starting to get in to drinking whisk(e)y?

Be patient and try as much as you can (responsibly of course).  Whisky isn’t necessarily something you will immediately love.  I don’t think anyone loved their first sip of wine, or beer.  Just like anything, with enough patience, you will find something that is just right for you.

8) What are you doing to ensure you’re continuing to grow and develop your palate?

I am also making sure that I am continuing to sample and try new things.  The industry is huge, with new products coming out almost daily, it’s so important to keep on top of these things!

9) Tell us about your new business! And how do people order?

Just like everyone else during the quarantine period I really got into baking, I have been developing whisky based recipes for years.  My baked goods have always been a family favourite.  People have told me to sell them so with a shift in career I decided to give it a try, and with that Aunt Beth Bakes was born.  I have developed recipes using bourbon, scotch, Irish and Canadian whiskies, all of which have been a big hit!  Check out my website for details on how to order.  I currently ship to Canada and the US.

10) What’s next for you?

I’ve been working on some holiday recipes and doing some fun things with amazing distilleries.  Despite a lot of challenges in 2020 a lot of great things have happened as well.  I am excited about the next steps, in the words of the one hit wonder 80s sensation Timbuk 3 – ‘the future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades’.

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