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I Like My Whisk(e)y the Way I Like My Men…

Want to become a whisk(e)y pro but feel overwhelmed when articulating tasting notes?

When I look at my dating life and relationship with whisk(e)y over the years there are a LOT of parallels. 

Think about your first date experience. You’re nervous. What will you talk about? Do they look and taste (strikethrough) act like they did when I looked him up online? Where they what you expected?

If only there was a crystal ball that could tell you if it was going to work out.

When you’re a new imbiber, how the experience any different? 

Look, I know that it can be intimidating to rattle off dozens of tasting notes about a whisk(e)y. Or any kind of spirit. 

I know that purchasing a bottle can be a commitment (that maybe you’re not ready for… let’s just keep it casual for now geez, I’ll see you in ounce form at the bar). 

I know that sometimes you want to gift bottles to friends but have no idea what to choose.

Well my muses, think of my as your new matchmaker. I’m going to set you up with drams of your dreams.

Each Wednesday + Friday, I am going to give you the ‘dating profile’ of a whisk(e)y. You’ll learn:

  • what it is
  • where it’s from
  • basic tasting notes
  • a taste profile
  • pairing recommendations 
  • price range

…And of course some sexy photos of the bottle.

More importantly though, I am going to categorize it into one of these ten categories (seen in the photo). So when you’re looking to try someone (strikethrough) something new, you can explore within your comfort zone (same category) or maybe take a risk.

Step aside Hinge, Bumble and Tinder. My proprietary sh*t is going to blow you out of the water. And speaking of water, why would you want plenty of fish, when you can drink plenty of whisk(e)y anyways. And become knowledgable and intentional about it.

Check out the categories below and start thinking about what your type is.

How can you get involved? Tell me how you like your whisk(e)y. Soon I will be releasing templates for you to fill in and share with the world. Tag me. Challenge me. Converse with me. This is a two-way conversation.

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