• American Whiskey Bourbon MAKE


    ABOUT POINT UP I recently connected with Cheers American Spirits, an organization that celebrates American Whiskey in Canada, and was asked to create a Bourbon cocktail to help promote bourbon as an (excellent) option…

  • MUSE Muse of the Month

    Muse of the Month: BETH HAVERS

    Welcome to our Muse of the Month series! This series is celebrating women in the industry who are changing the conversation around whisk(e)y. From Master Distillers to Podcasters to Brand Ambassadors stay tuned as…

  • American Whiskey Bourbon MAKE


    ABOUT THE PEARLY GATES The Pearly Gate is named after the synonym for the entrance to heaven. This cocktail will definitely be a heavenly addition to your repertoire. Simple to make, complex flavours that…

  • MUSE Whisky Haiku

    #WhiskyHaiku 7: Monkey Shoulder

    You may have heard of Monkey Shoulder scotch before, but do you know where the term ‘Monkey Shoulder’ is derived from? Check out the Haiku below. Single Malt or Blended Malt whiskies are made…

  • MUSE Whisky Haiku

    #WhiskyHaiku 6: Sour Mash

    During quarantine did you learn to make bread? How about sourdough? Whether you became an expert baker or not, I want to talk to you for a second about sourdough bread. The key to…

  • MUSE Whisky Haiku

    #WhiskyHaiku 5: Barrel Char

    I don’t know about you but things are heating up. That haiku made me hot… scorching hot in fact. Kind of like the inside of a whisk(e)y barrel.  If you’ve drank whisk(e)y before (which…

  • MUSE Whisky Haiku

    #WhiskyHaiku 4: 9.09% Rule

    Canada is known for their blended whiskies and in fact are some of the best selling whisky brands in the world. But, did you know that Canada has some unique blending rules that are…

  • American Whiskey MAKE Tennessee Whiskey


    ABOUT THE GUNSMITH The Gunsmith is a cocktail inspired by the classic Corpse Reviver with a modern twist. The key focal point of the cocktail is the Gunpowder Green Tea infused Jack Daniels. After…

  • Bourbon MUSE

    Muse of the Month: MARIANNE EAVES

    Welcome to our Muse of the Month series! This series is celebrating women in the industry who are changing the conversation around whisk(e)y. From Master Distillers to Podcasters to Brand Ambassadors stay tuned as…

  • MUSE Whisky Haiku

    #WhiskyHaiku 3: Single Barrels

    Put your hand up if you found a quarantine boyfriend or girlfriend during this pandemic?  No? Good answer, being safe and socially distant has been key to getting back to whatever ‘normal’ was before. …